WHAT IS ‘CLEVER’ Clever i an ea y to u e, in tant login oftware, which provide a imple interface between u er and all their required application Student no longer have to pend time logging in to every application they u e in cla and...
The bli ful tudent life of going to the movie , going on mall vacation , and partying will all come to a tand till a the examination draw near Ju t when they think, “okay, time to hit tho e book !”, they open their thou and page book...
Parent play a major role in their child’ education But their guidance alone i n’t enough to unlea h the latent ability that today’ tudent can produce Furthermore, managing their children’ education along ide their own job , i quite...
HURDLES IN BUSINESS The world i very diver e Different people have different culture and peak different language in different geographic location Thi can only be een a a etback for globalization How can we convey our me age on an...
The world we are in today ha urpa ed the expectation of mo t vi ionarie of the pa t - tablet are being u ed in place of bulky laptop and PC , mart phone in place of the old button phone , and introduction of online ervice are all example...
Quite often, a people and companie tart to get more money, they run into problem … their live and bu ine e tart to become more complicated creating a ituation counter to their original goal Educator are no different We talk to many...
The limitation that education in titution face today i that they are tied into traditional tudent information y tem or learning management y tem that focu on expen ive, pecialty tool that only provide data without much intelligence or...
A beginner guide to etting up Cla e365 Student Information Sy tem Our product management team with a i tance from cu tomer enablement team have worked really hard to make the proce to get in titution up and running ea y, fa t and wift Here...
Doe More Feature Mean Better Student Information Sy tem If you are on the lookout on electing a Student Information Sy tem or School ERP, you might have downloaded open ource or paid on-prem oftware, may be igned up for demo or ub cribed...
Powerful Skill Search Integrated with LinkedIn Today we have introduced a great new capability to enable tudent , teacher or parent to find people and expert with pecific kill in the chool called People Directory and Skill Ba ed Search with...
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