Category Archives: Blog

July 18, 2015
Classe365 Now Integrates With Clever

WHAT IS ‘CLEVER’ Clever i an ea y to u e, in tant login oftware, which provide a imple interface between u er and all their required application Student no longer have to pend time logging in to every application they u e in cla and...

July 18, 2015
Top 10 Exam Preparation Technologies

The bli ful tudent life of going to the movie , going on mall vacation , and partying will all come to a tand till a the examination draw near Ju t when they think, “okay, time to hit tho e book !”, they open their thou and page book...

June 11, 2015
Should Parents Insist Technology in Schools?

Parent play a major role in their child’ education But their guidance alone i n’t enough to unlea h the latent ability that today’ tudent can produce Furthermore, managing their children’ education along ide their own job , i quite...

June 6, 2015
Skype & Skype Translate as a tool in Business and Education

HURDLES IN BUSINESS The world i very diver e Different people have different culture and peak different language in different geographic location Thi can only be een a a etback for globalization How can we convey our me age on an...

Classe365 blog
June 5, 2015
Evolution of Teaching Methodologies to Welcome the Future Student

The world we are in today ha urpa ed the expectation of mo t vi ionarie of the pa t - tablet are being u ed in place of bulky laptop and PC , mart phone in place of the old button phone , and introduction of online ervice are all example...

Classe365 Student Information System
January 3, 2015
School Management Complexities. How do you solve it ?

Quite often, a people and companie tart to get more money, they run into problem … their live and bu ine e tart to become more complicated creating a ituation counter to their original goal Educator are no different We talk to many...

October 21, 2014
Answer to Fragmented Student Information Systems in Our Schools

The limitation that education in titution face today i that they are tied into traditional tudent information y tem or learning management y tem that focu on expen ive, pecialty tool that only provide data without much intelligence or...

July 30, 2014
7 Minute Up and Running Guide to Classe365 Student Information System

A beginner guide to etting up Cla e365 Student Information Sy tem Our product management team with a i tance from cu tomer enablement team have worked really hard to make the proce to get in titution up and running ea y, fa t and wift Here...

Student Infromation System Features
July 7, 2014
Student Information System or School ERP- Is More Features Always Better ?

Doe More Feature Mean Better Student Information Sy tem If  you are on the lookout on electing a Student Information Sy tem or School ERP, you might have downloaded open ource or paid on-prem oftware, may be igned up for demo or ub cribed...

June 26, 2014
All New feature – Powerful Skill Search and People Directory Integrated with LinkedIn

Powerful Skill Search Integrated with LinkedIn Today we have introduced a great new capability to enable tudent , teacher or parent to find people and expert with pecific kill in the chool called People Directory and Skill Ba ed Search with...

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