Category Archives: Blog

October 17, 2015
Augmented Reality in Education

Ever wondered how the cene of a ci-fi movie are created Any fir t time movie goer would be fa cinated by the reali tic Hologram , Alien , Blackhole , Gho t etc How are the e captured on creen  With Augmented Reality, Object that may or may...

Big Data, Learning Management System
October 15, 2015
Big Data in Education. Does your Student Information System help analyze data?

What i Big Data in Education Big Data conundrum Don’t worry you are not alone But don’t think Big Data ju t a a fad It i the next thing that’ going to revolutionize the education ector Gartner define Big Data a “high-volume,...

Learning Management system, Social Media, Student information system
September 26, 2015
Social Media and the Student

&nb p; Connectivity work wonder for mankind The very e ence of communication, connectivity ea e the flow of thought and emotion among entitie Social media i in relevance today with it abilitie to connect u and more What began a a...

September 9, 2015
learning management systems & Student information systems – are these the new dynamic duo of the education world?

 “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn” ― Benjamin Franklin Information i man’ primal a et in thi age Impatience i the buzzword of our generation which i toked by the lack of timely, actionable...

QR Code in education classe365
August 6, 2015
How can we use QR Code in Education?

For every product old in a retail tore, you would have een a bar code, compo ed of a 1 Dimen ional array of Thick and thin line Thi bar code contain ome information about the product, like product ID, Name and Price But, not too much...

Classe365 BYOD in Education
August 3, 2015
Informal learning Vs BYOD in classrooms for a better tomorrow

What i the fir t thing that pop into mind when you think about “education” Probably a “chalkboard”, “cla room” or “ tudent-teacher interaction” etc In thi traditional method of teaching, tudent are fed the ame amount of...

August 2, 2015
Is M-Learning the same as E-Learning on a Mobile Phone?

Everybody who i anybody ha a phone the e day Acknowledging the fact that the face to face teaching model ha more liabilitie than a et , it no urpri e that omeone would think of u ing mobile technology in education You may be thinking that...

July 19, 2015
Can we really improve Education with Gamification?

With the creation of  “Computer Space” in 1971, and “Pong” the year after, video game have gained international recognition a “a fun way to pend your time” They are now the primary ource of entertainment When people hear...

July 19, 2015
Redefine Learning with The Flipped Classroom

One of the mo t noticeable drawback of the Traditional “Face to Face” education i that all tudent , bright or low, will be taught at the ame rate Let take a moment to analyze thi In traditional learning, we would ju t expect tudent to...

July 18, 2015
Top 7 tips for teachers teaching in the millennium generation

The new era of technology accompanie with it, the new era of education Cla room cliche like chalkboard , paper and tack of book are replaced with paperle , ea y to manage virtual teaching uten il to provide a vivid conceptualization on...

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