Category Archives: Blog

Classe365 Innovation for Education
September 15, 2017
Innovation for education: Why are Education Startups set to disrupt the industry

It’ ea y to ee how technology ha changed our day-to-day live , from the way we communicate with colleague at work or track our health and fitne to the way we watch TV or relax at home However, in the education indu try, innovative...

Classe365 Software Image
July 11, 2016
Learning VS Teaching: What’s the Difference?

Learning i a continuou proce for every one of u In a perfect world, we all learn omething new every day While we ee formal education a a nece ity to learning, there will alway be variou way to learn Teaching i ju t a more formal...

July 8, 2016
How Classe365 Serves Admission Officers

Through the rich feature of our Student Admini tration Software, we have helped everal chool and univer itie handle application and enrolment more efficiently  Through our y tem, tudent or their parent can ubmit new application without...

July 6, 2016
How important is SEO in School Marketing?

&nb p; Search engine optimization (SEO) i the proce of improving your web ite’ ranking and vi ibility in earch engine for certain keyword that are related to your indu try or niche While SEO eem very imple, the proce behind it i more...

June 29, 2016
Social Media Strategies for Private Schools

While many chool and educational in titution u e ocial media a an avenue to interact and communicate with their tudent and their parent , other are u ing it to recruit potential tudent and increa e their enrollment rate Why not Compared to...

June 27, 2016
10 Inspirational Teaching Quotes

Quote About Teacher and Teaching Teacher are aid to be the econd parent of their tudent They help hone their tudent and turn them into ucce ful contributing member of the ociety Without the e commendable people, learning would be much...

December 4, 2015
Top Education Events

With uch high focu on education around the world, it i important to track key education event around the world After all education i one of the millennium development goal and howca ing late t endeavor and avenue in education focu ed...

November 25, 2015
How To Effectively Manage Student Enrolment Process

&nb p; Enrollment hould ea e the entry of tudent and pave the way for more intere ted partie to ign up When it come to enrolling tudent , in titute go hammer and tong at their endeavor to attract tudent Thing can go our if they...

November 13, 2015
Effective strategies to increase student enrollments

&nb p; A online facilitie continue their march toward enriching education, it become inevitable for them to be a part of the tudent journey right from the out et With the advent of tudent information y tem , the proce of integrating...

Student Behavior
October 30, 2015
Demystifying Student Behavior: Do Student Information Systems Stand A Chance?

&nb p; Educational in titute are temple of knowledge, beacon of hope and a gateway to an enriching life parked by knowledge, learning and healthy interaction A grim reality of educational in titute however, i the fact that we are more...

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