Category Archives: Features

July 8, 2016
How Classe365 Serves Admission Officers

Through the rich feature of our Student Admini tration Software, we have helped everal chool and univer itie handle application and enrolment more efficiently  Through our y tem, tudent or their parent can ubmit new application without...

June 29, 2016
Social Media Strategies for Private Schools

While many chool and educational in titution u e ocial media a an avenue to interact and communicate with their tudent and their parent , other are u ing it to recruit potential tudent and increa e their enrollment rate Why not Compared to...

July 18, 2015
Whats New in Classe365 Student Information System in 2016?

What i new indeed! For tarter , Cla e365 ha officially become the 13th “be t” cloud ba ed tudent information y tem worldwide! Thi i a feat that we are truly proud of We have our ub criber to thank for getting u thi far And, what...

July 15, 2015
Google Apps for Education Integration with Classe365

Cla e365 now provide Google App and Google App for Education integration Google App for Education provide great free tool for education in titution for overall productivity Combined with Cla e365' powerful tudent information y tem,...

With CSV/Excel Upload, setting up institution takes less than 10 minutes.

Not Ready? Request a demo


  • Performance Arts
  • Language Schools
  • Professional Career Academy
  • Sports & Fitness Academy
  • Private & After School Tuition
  • Public / District Schools
  • Private Schools
  • International Baccalaureate & Career Schools
  • Religious Schools
  • Community Colleges
  • Vocational - Technical Colleges
  • Career colleges
  • Liberal arts colleges
  • Public
  • Private
  • Religious
  • Distance Education
  • Online Virtual University