Classe365 – New Age Student Information System

New Age Student Information System that is beautiful and personal.

The journey of human evolution has been astonishing so far. The power of the human mind is incredible. Indefinable source of distinct talents and potentials are embedded within the human brain. Nature has given this incredible power to reason. We have achieved amazing things till now, yet there is so much to learn and evolve. If we look up into the sky, amongst those billions of starts are billion curious things that we need to learn and understand.

What we learn, discover and innovate today are the theories and basis that future generation depend to thrive or even survive. Education and knowledge that we pass to our kids are what defines human beings of tomorrow.

Classe365 Student Information System was created with this vision, to enable educators manage the process of educating our kids that’s amazingly easy, powerful and beautiful. Its about collaboration between every member of the education eco-system. This includes parents, teachers, students and administrators including the extended community that need to interact within the education system.

Its not just about managing a school, college or university, but bringing the entire society together to enable our children the best opportunity to learn and thrive in the society.

With this vision, we have embarked on a journey to make every school, college and university take advantage of our innovative system- an integrated and unified student information system. We want to take students, teachers, parents, educators, companies, and government bodies, education institutions that are small, big or large, institutions that are aided or unaided on a journey to make education better and empowering.

When 7 billion people on this planet take one step forward, we take 7 billion steps forward.

If you are an educator looking for the best student information system or school management software, talk to our solution enablement team on to get Classe365 in your school, college or university.

Library Management Software integrated with Student Information System

With CSV/Excel Upload, setting up institution takes less than 10 minutes.

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  • Performance Arts
  • Language Schools
  • Professional Career Academy
  • Sports & Fitness Academy
  • Private & After School Tuition
  • Public / District Schools
  • Private Schools
  • International Baccalaureate & Career Schools
  • Religious Schools
  • Community Colleges
  • Vocational - Technical Colleges
  • Career colleges
  • Liberal arts colleges
  • Public
  • Private
  • Religious
  • Distance Education
  • Online Virtual University