Category Archives: Education Articles

December 22, 2016
Education technology Trends of 2017 – VR & Bots

Thi next year will ee many technologie broadly deployed, but with that deployment will come challenge and choice to make Thi et up 2017 to be a year of inten e activity and important choice — how far forward to leap and how to tran ition...

November 18, 2015
Top 5 Key Strategies to Attract International Students

The trength of an in titute lie in the a piration of the local tudent to tudy in it a well a in the intere t attracted by it from international tudent While international tudent tand to gain expo ure to novel teaching method and new...

October 17, 2015
Augmented Reality in Education

Ever wondered how the cene of a ci-fi movie are created Any fir t time movie goer would be fa cinated by the reali tic Hologram , Alien , Blackhole , Gho t etc How are the e captured on creen  With Augmented Reality, Object that may or may...

September 9, 2015
learning management systems & Student information systems – are these the new dynamic duo of the education world?

 “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn” ― Benjamin Franklin Information i man’ primal a et in thi age Impatience i the buzzword of our generation which i toked by the lack of timely, actionable...

Classe365 BYOD in Education
August 3, 2015
Informal learning Vs BYOD in classrooms for a better tomorrow

What i the fir t thing that pop into mind when you think about “education” Probably a “chalkboard”, “cla room” or “ tudent-teacher interaction” etc In thi traditional method of teaching, tudent are fed the ame amount of...

August 2, 2015
Is M-Learning the same as E-Learning on a Mobile Phone?

Everybody who i anybody ha a phone the e day Acknowledging the fact that the face to face teaching model ha more liabilitie than a et , it no urpri e that omeone would think of u ing mobile technology in education You may be thinking that...

June 11, 2015
Should Parents Insist Technology in Schools?

Parent play a major role in their child’ education But their guidance alone i n’t enough to unlea h the latent ability that today’ tudent can produce Furthermore, managing their children’ education along ide their own job , i quite...

June 2, 2015
Does your School live up to the age of the millennial generation?

We have to keep up When we talk about the “millennial generation”, we mean the tudent of today - tho e growing up in the era of ri ing oftware and technology Since computer are a part of their daily live , it only evident that education...

student information system
June 5, 2014
Top 16 features of best Student Information System or School Management Software

Top 16 feature of be t Student Information Sy tem or School Management Software Let’ look at the top 16 feature every Student Information Sy tem hould provide Not all application are the ame So here are the mo t important feature that...

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