The trength of an in titute lie in the a piration of the local tudent to tudy in it a well a in the intere t attracted by it from international tudent While international tudent tand to gain expo ure to novel teaching method and new...
&nb p; A online facilitie continue their march toward enriching education, it become inevitable for them to be a part of the tudent journey right from the out et With the advent of tudent information y tem , the proce of integrating...
&nb p; Educational in titute are temple of knowledge, beacon of hope and a gateway to an enriching life parked by knowledge, learning and healthy interaction A grim reality of educational in titute however, i the fact that we are more...
Ever wondered how the cene of a ci-fi movie are created Any fir t time movie goer would be fa cinated by the reali tic Hologram , Alien , Blackhole , Gho t etc How are the e captured on creen With Augmented Reality, Object that may or may...
What i Big Data in Education Big Data conundrum Don’t worry you are not alone But don’t think Big Data ju t a a fad It i the next thing that’ going to revolutionize the education ector Gartner define Big Data a “high-volume,...
&nb p; Connectivity work wonder for mankind The very e ence of communication, connectivity ea e the flow of thought and emotion among entitie Social media i in relevance today with it abilitie to connect u and more What began a a...
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn” ― Benjamin Franklin Information i man’ primal a et in thi age Impatience i the buzzword of our generation which i toked by the lack of timely, actionable...
For every product old in a retail tore, you would have een a bar code, compo ed of a 1 Dimen ional array of Thick and thin line Thi bar code contain ome information about the product, like product ID, Name and Price But, not too much...
What i the fir t thing that pop into mind when you think about “education” Probably a “chalkboard”, “cla room” or “ tudent-teacher interaction” etc In thi traditional method of teaching, tudent are fed the ame amount of...
Everybody who i anybody ha a phone the e day Acknowledging the fact that the face to face teaching model ha more liabilitie than a et , it no urpri e that omeone would think of u ing mobile technology in education You may be thinking that...
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